EMDR Workshops
For over 10 years I have been presenting workshops, training, and retreats for EMDR therapist on a variety of topics. It has been truly an honor to be able to help EMDR therapist refine their craft and discover new ways of using EMDR in their practice.
Below is a list and short descriptions of previous EMDR workshops. All have been approved for EMDRIA CEUs when given. I am happy to create specialized training and curriculum for any group who wishes to learn EMDR therapy.
EMDR Workshops
- EMDR and The Art of Self Care: using Qi Gong exercises as resource development skills and incorporating them into EMDR therapy as internalized resources and interweaves
- The Art of Interweaves: through enhanced understanding of interweaves, this training teaches how to use a variety of interweaves, when and when not to use them, and how to be creative with your EMDR interweaves
- Treating Preverbal Trauma with EMDR: In this training clinicians are taught a guided imagery interweave I call the 5 Sense Theater. This technique is then used to achieve safe access to preverbal traumatic memory for processing and recovery.
- Taking Care of Ourselves; EMDR, Vicarious Trauma, and Burn Out, : Understanding how being a trauma specialist and an EMDR therapist affects us as clinicians is essential to remaining effective for our clients. In this workshop we explore vicarious trauma, use the standard protocol to address and heal any symptoms of VT or burn out, and develop self-care protocols to maintain our well-being as we continue our practice.
- EMDR and Adolescents: Exploring the various strengths, difficulties, and special considerations of doing EMDR with Adolescents. Psychological development, Sociological environment, Brain development, and Peer relations are all considered and discussed in this workshop.