
EMDR Workshops
- EMDR and The Art of Self Care: using Qi Gong exercises as resource development skills and incorporating them into EMDR therapy as internalized resources and interweaves
- The Art of Interweaves: through enhanced understanding of interweaves, this training teaches how to use a variety of interweaves, when and when not to use them, and how to be creative with your EMDR interweaves
- Treating Preverbal Trauma with EMDR: In this training clinicians are taught a guided imagery interweave I call the 5 Sense Theater. This technique is then used to achieve safe access to preverbal traumatic memory for processing and recovery.
- Taking Care of Ourselves; EMDR, Vicarious Trauma, and Burn Out, : Understanding how being a trauma specialist and an EMDR therapist affects us as clinicians is essential to remaining effective for our clients. In this workshop we explore vicarious trauma, use the standard protocol to address and heal any symptoms of VT or burn out, and develop self-care protocols to maintain our well-being as we continue our practice.
- EMDR and Adolescents: Exploring the various strengths, difficulties, and special considerations of doing EMDR with Adolescents. Psychological development, Sociological environment, Brain development, and Peer relations are all considered and discussed in this workshop.

Psychotherapy Workshops
- The Art of Self Care: Teaching ancient Asian methods of self care to increase empathic capacity, maintain energy, and avoid burn out.
- Introduction to Ego State Therapy: Covering the basic theory, development of the practice, and beginning techniques is therapy.
- Safety First! How to do the Work and Stay Safe: A comprehensive look at how to maintain safety in psychotherapy, how to see the warning signs, and how to reestablish safety if needed
- Adolescent Development and Treatment: Explore the wonderful world of adolescents with a look at psychological, physiological, and social development in order to better treat adolescents.
- Meditation, Mindfulness, and All that Jazz! Taking a gentle and humorous look at how to incorporate creative tools of Asian meditation to improve mental health.

Transgender Workshops
- Transgender 101: Exploring the modern understanding of the gender identity and the gender variant population, standards of care, and how to best serve in our capacity as healing professionals
- Advanced Study in Gender Therapy: In this course clinicians learn the theory, history, skills, and modern practice standards to become a gender specialist. This course is designed for therapists who wish to serve the transgender population in an ongoing capacity.
- Treating Mental Illness in Transgender Clients: Exploring common dual diagnoses that occur in transgender clients, the gender implications, and the impact on treatment.
- Gender Affirming Practice for Health Care Professionals: Designed to give professionals and staff the language, the awareness, and comfort to serve patients of all genders in a professional and compassionate way.